Website Refresh

CB Technical Solutions needed a website refresh and moved from using multiple pages into a one-page format.

Added Compliance

We added a privacy policy and cookie compliance

New blog with RSS feed

In this day and age we all need additional content to pull potential customers in. So we revamped the blog and added an RSS button

CB Technical Solutions Top Page


The website refresh was done with being the hosting provider. We utilized Photoshop to recolor photos to fit more in line with the style.

Web Refresh
Privacy Policy & Cookie Consent
Blog & RSS Feed
CB Technical Solutions About


Since we were using we had the ability to make the changes quickly and in a timely fashion. By combining all the content we improved the visual appeal by putting appropriate images and recoloring them to fit the color palette of the website,

Everyone should have a GDPR compliant website so we added a Privacy Policy and Cookie Consent button to improve compliance. Depending on your business and what you serve the policy can be very robust or very simple.

Lastly, we updated the look of the blog and added an RSS feed button at the bottom of the pages. This way the blog can be followed easily.

CB Technical Solutions New Images