Quick little quips that ask, did you know that will enlighten your life!
Halloween: From Pagans to Parties Did you know that we can credit the origins of our favorite spooky holiday to Pagans and Christians alike? They didn’t exactly sit down and plan a party together, but the ideas were all there. The Pagans started the party. The Christians designed the decorations. In this “Did You Know?”…
Top 10 Reasons Why Top 10 Lists Win Make a list. That is the advice we get when we want to get organized or remember what to pack. Lists help us not forget to buy bananas. Did you know lists are so useful that they have their own term in article writing, listicles. Why are…
Did You Know?: Bring Back the Butt Did you know that a “butt load” is an actual measurable unit? No, seriously, it really is. Like many words in the English language, “butt” has several meanings beyond booty and what we would like to do with our head when someone is in our way. A butt…